Not Your Traditional Sunday School
Our Home Sunday School provides FREE lessons and activities for all families, including those who don’t attend churches. The church is not a building rather it’s two or more people spiritually gathered in God’s name. Families that elect not to participate in traditional churches aren’t weird or monsters with two heads.
On the contrary, there are just as many Christ-like folks absent from Sunday sermons as folks who attend the sermons. More and more people are leaving the churches because far too many churchesaren’t moving right.
Then, how do little ones get to be friends with The Creator and His Son, Jesus Christ? One alternative is to start a Sunday School at home. That way parents and children – together – learn more about The Creator and His Son in the comfort and familiarity of the home. Don’t be afraid, parents. There’s so much spiritual support to get you going.
What About The Children?
Because these non-traditional families do not attend church, they desire to communicate, plan, and spend quality spiritual time with their little ones in the comfort of their homes.
Although Kids for God Movement, Inc. targets ages 0-5 years, older children up to age 13 are included. Through their artworks and writings, older youngsters get the opportunity to spiritually support younger children.
Your support is what helps us put continuous fun and excitement into those spiritual time-outs at home.